Hello Everyone

Hello Everyone

Hello All

I am writing to you all in the hope of creating a new social group of friends of Maree St Clair Quilts.

Our shop has now been open for three years and we are loving the interaction that we have with our customers, both in person and online. We hope to continue our service to you! We invite your feedback on anything related to the shop or the website. This helps us to improve our service.

I hope that the Newsletter will prove a great way to share with you what is happening in the shop and what our plans are for the future. It will provide things like activities and shows we are participating in, New Arrivals in the shop, preview fabric lines that are coming, new templates, specials and from time to time we will offer free patterns and other items that we can share.

If there is anything that you would like us to include then please don’t hesitate to let us know your ideas! We hope to publish on a monthly basis!

Please be assured that should you not wish to receive these emails, we are more than happy to quickly remove your name from our list. Please just send an email to newsletter@mareestclairquilts.com.au

Looking forward to sharing with you all. My passion is patchwork!

Cheers, Maree

Amber – Published in Quiltmania Issue 121 – The Fabrics

Hello All,

I have been thrilled with the response & congratulations with the publication of Amber in Quiltmania Issue 121. This is the first time one of my designs has been featured in their beautiful magazine. I am hoping it is the first of many!

I have had many enquiries about the range of fabrics that I have used. When I started this quilt I never in my wildest dreams imagined that it would be a pattern and on the cover of a magazine! I made it purely from my stash! Therefore some of the fabrics are quite old in today’s terms in the patchwork world. I will however share with you what information I have regarding them. I still have some fragments left. I don’t know how you will go getting them but maybe like me you have a stash that you can dig into!

I am also going to share with you currently available fabrics that I think would work!

The majority of this quilt was made using Jo Morton Fabrics produced by Andover. There are some Civil War Ladies by Pat Nickols for RJR.

SPECIAL NOTE: When purchasing fabrics for this quilt get a little bit more than listed in the pattern so that you have freedom with your fussy cutting!

Starting at the Centre:

The eight Kite shaped pieces were cut from a fabric range “Leesburg” pattern No 5857 which is dated 2012.

The Mustard coloured Diamond Shapes were cut from a fabric range “Leesburg” pattern No 5863 which is also dated 2012.

The fussy cut diamonds in the same row are cut from two different stripes in the same fabric. “Civil War Ladies”  by Pat L Nickols in 2010

The next row with the kite shapes was cut from a fabric range “Spice Market” pattern 6023 again dated 2012.

The fussy cut Kites on the outer edge was cut from a fabric range Leesburg pattern No 5856 dated 2012.

The mustard stripe on the outer ring is cut from a fabric range “Alexandria” pattern No 5684 dated 2011

For the Applique there are lots of Cheddars, Blacks and Rusts.


For the Border of the Quilt I used “Elizabeth Town” 5533R from 2011.


In researching this for you all I have found bits and pieces of these fabrics still available. Just Google the Range and the pattern numbers to see what you can find!

Some ranges available today that would be good to substitute! (all available on my website)! www.mareestclairquilts.com.au

Marmalade by Kathy Hall for Andover.


And Lampblack by Kathy Hall for Andover.


Also available is a template set for centre portion of the quilt. The Kite and the Diamond!. 

These can be used to rotary cut your pieces. They have lines for placement for Fussy Cutting. they also have sections where you can mark your stitching line for hand piecing. You can machine piece this using Y seams.

Also available is the magazine!


If you have any further enquiries, please don’t hesitate to contact me! I’d love to see your quilts when they are done!

Regards, Maree

Email: maree@mareestclairquilts.com.au




Josephine Quilt

Hello All

Today I am releasing my Josephine Quilt Kit, Pattern and Template Sets. They can be bought individually as well as in the quilt kit. The kit includes all the fabric needed for the top and includes the templates and the pattern. This makes the quilt that is 54 inches square (137cm) but of course you can make it any size you wish just by adding more blocks and purchasing more fabric.

Till next time!
